Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Module 6

Here is part one of the lab. Pretty simple to convert from arc map to AI. I kept the traditional gray scale for the first project as well as the requirement for the second project. Just made things easier for me. I did however had to go back and review the layers video. Once I saw how the layers work in AI, my map came together pretty easy.

Here is my second map. I'm hoping I did this correct. I think the only think I did wrong was the gray scaling. I still have some white in my maps. But the excel work was pretty easier to work with in excel. Makes things so much easier when you use excel for multiple functions. Drag and Drop is my favorite phrase!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Module 5 Map

Well here is my module 5 map. I tried a few different things with the map, like highlighting Florida with a bright green, then in the Florida state map I tried to use the same color scheme to show my reader where my target area was. Finally in 3rd map, where we show our population, I tried to use a color scheme that would fit in ARCmap by using the lighter colors for less population to darker colors for more. Again I believe when the reader sees my information, they will be able to determine which counties have the greater population. Now that I do notice it, I should of labeled somewhere that the map is listed by counties so my reader will not get confused. The only problem I had is that my mouse is horrible, and trying to line up the outline boxes using my mouse was a pain.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Module 4 D Maps

Here is my map for module 4. The biggest thing I had an issue with was trying to Make the city names and the city features stand out more. I tried to fill the background around the letters with white so it erases a little of the land features but I couldn't get it to work with adobe. I like adobe. At first it was frustrating dealing with the program because I have never used it before, but a couple of hours into using the program I was getting a hang of it.